Sell more with the New Seller Guide

Sellers who adopt services in the New Seller Guide can take advantage of more than €47,250 in New Seller Incentives
€39 (excluding VAT) per month plus sales commissions
illustration of a sales chart with an arrow moving up and to the right
Perfect Launch for Amazon sellers

What is the New Seller Guide?

Speed matters—and for Amazon sellers, the first 90 days are especially critical. That's why we invented the New Seller Guide, a set of brand, logistics, pricing and promotional services that are backed by data science and designed to fuel the growth of new sellers.

The New Seller Guide will also potentially boost your growth across Amazon Europe Activate new European stores with just a few clicks using our new European Expansion Accelerator!

The guide is simple. Start by signing up for a Professional seller account.

Professional sellers can:
Set dynamic prices using Automate Pricing
Sign up for Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA), enrol products and send inventory to Amazon
Create Sponsored Products ads
Create Lightning or 7-Day Deals
Create Amazon Coupons
If you're a brand owner, you can:
Enrol your brand in Amazon Brand Registry
Create and add A+ Content to your product listings
Enrol products in Amazon Vine
Create Sponsored Brands ads
While exploring these services, you can also enjoy over €47,250 in New Seller Incentives.

Protect and build your brand

Amazon Brand Registry is a programme for brand owners, designed to help protect your intellectual property, manage the accuracy of your listings and grow your business for free.

In addition, brands registered in Amazon's Brand Registry gain access to an exclusive set of brand tools and benefit programmes that help improve brand visibility and sales on Amazon.
New sellers with the professional plan who register a brand in the Brand Registry could receive a 10% refund on their first sales of up to €45,000 and then 5% for the first year up to €900,000.

Increase sales with optimized listings

After enrolling your brand in Amazon Brand Registry, you can use A+ Content to showcase your products and tell your story on Amazon product detail pages. Use A+ Content to add videos and improve your images and product-comparison charts that inform and inspire customers. You can also run A/B tests on your content to find out which titles, images and product descriptions drive the most sales.
Basic A+ Content can encourage repeat purchases and help increase sales by up to 8%2
2Amazon internal data

Boost engagement with product reviews

Generate buzz and increase sales for a brand you enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry by using Amazon Vine, a program that helps generate high-quality customer reviews from Amazon-trusted reviewers. It’s as simple as enrolling a product in Vine and providing free units to reviewers, who can help inform and engage other customers.

Fulfilment for you with a Prime experience

With FBA, you'll boost the start your Amazon journey.

FBA is our storage, shipping and customer service programme that lets you benefit from Amazon's unparalleled fulfilment expertise. Simply send your products to our Fulfilment Centres (FCs) across the UK and Europe, and we can handle the rest with a one-day delivery promise providing a Prime Experience for your customers from order delivery to after-sales assistance.
On average, our Selling Partners see a sales uplift of 35%* when moving their products to FBA, as a result of faster delivery.
New sellers who sign up to Fulfilment by Amazon, register a product and send stock to Amazon will receive a €90 discount on shipping fees to the Amazon fulfilment network, plus free storage and customer returns with automatic enrolment in the Amazon Fulfilment New Selection programme. They can also get a €180 in credit to cover fulfilment management costs if they use Amazon Global Logistics, as well as exemption from the storage utilisation surcharge for one year after the date of receipt of the Fulfilment by Amazon inventory and the low-inventory-level fee (Pan-EU) for the first year after the first Pan-EU activation date.
*Figure based on an analysis done in 2019 and 2020 (excluding COVID‐19 impact). It is provided as a general reference point and it's not related to any specific ASIN or product category. Actual results may vary based on a wide range of factors. Amazon does not guarantee any particular outcome for your business by using FBA.

Adjust prices quickly and automatically

Our free automatic pricing tool can help you quickly and automatically adjust prices so you can face the competition and have a better chance of making your offer stand out. Choose the listings you want to register, set price limits, and let Amazon help you adjust prices 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the meantime, you'll be able to focus on other aspects of your business.
Featured offers can accelerate your sales by up to 50%.4
4Global Amazon internal data in 2021.

Drive discovery for your products and brand

Help customers find your business by creating Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands ads that appear in multiple placements in the Amazon store. Create campaigns with ease and only pay when customers actually click your ads. You can track your ad performance using metrics like impressions, clicks and sales.

Want to promote products another way? Try creating 7-Day Deals in the Amazon store, or consider Amazon Coupons.
Products saw an average weekly +30% increase in glance views and +50% lift in units sold within the first year after launching a Sponsored Products campaign.5
Eligible new sellers on the Professional plan can get a €45 in credit for sponsored product advertisements for up to 90 days after listing, in addition to €45 in credit to purchase Amazon coupons to offer sales promotions to customers.
5Amazon internal data
icon: three stars
Incentives for new sellers
icon: three stars

Get started with over €47,250 in incentives

Are you ready to start selling on Amazon? Launch your brand today with a powerful strategy manual for new sellers and get more than €47,250 in potential benefits.
Get up to 10% back on your brand’s sales
We're investing in new brands on Amazon. Enrol your brand in the Amazon Brand Registry to take advantage of the following benefits:
10% back on your brand’s first €45,000 in sales and then 5% back for the first year until you reach €900,000.
€180 credit for Amazon Vine
Advertise, meet the needs of your customers and grow with confidence
You've put everything into your business, so let's start your Amazon journey with as much confidence as possible. All new professional sellers will be able to take advantage of the following benefits:
€90 discount on shipments into the Amazon fulfilment network using the Amazon Partnered Carrier programme or €180 credit towards fulfilment costs when you use Amazon Global Logistics
Free storage and customer returns with auto-enrolment in the Fulfilment by Amazon New Selection programme if you use Fulfilment by Amazon
Exemption from the storage utilisation surcharge for one year after the Fulfilment by Amazon inventory received date and the low-inventory-level fee (Pan-EU) for the first year after the first Pan-EU activation date.
€45 credit to create sponsored products ads
€45 credit to create Amazon coupons
Below you can see the full list of new selling partners incentives and the process to select them. Terms and conditions apply. Visit Seller Central for more information.
illustration of a data scientist optimising seller growth opportunities on a large touch screen

Over €47,250 in incentives

Amazon Selling Programme

Your incentive

How to get it

Brand Registry incentives
We'll give you 10% back on your brand's first €45,000 in sales and then 5% back for the first year until you reach €900,000.
Enrol your brand in the Amazon Brand Registry within six months of listing your first eligible product. The bonus will expire 12 months after you sign up for the programme (either upon reaching the limit or completing the 1-year eligibility period). Learn more.
€180 credit
Enrol your brand in the Amazon Brand Registry within 6 months of listing your first eligible product, and then register a product with Vine within the following 90 days and you'll be able to enjoy brand benefits (the latter being after you have completed enrolment in the Brand Registry and listed your first offer). If not used, the credit will expire one year from the date that you qualify for the benefit. Learn more.
Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) incentives
€90 credit for shipping costs to the Fulfilment by Amazon network
Use the Amazon Partnered Carrier programme to ship eligible products to the Fulfilment by Amazon network within 90 days of listing. The credit will expire one year from the date that you receive your first Fulfilment by Amazon inventory, if not used. Learn more.
€180 credit for fulfilment management expenses
Amazon Global Logistics to ship eligible products to the Fulfilment by Amazon network within 90 days of publication. The credit will expire one year from the date that you receive your first Fulfilment by Amazon inventory. Learn more.
Other Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) programmes
Free storage, liquidations and customer returns with automatic enrolment to the Fulfilment by Amazon New Selection programme
Ship new products to Fulfilment by Amazon that meet the requirements of the Fulfilment by Amazon network within 90 days of listing so that they are automatically enrolled in the Fulfilment by Amazon New Selection programme. Learn more.
Professional sellers who are new across the EU will be exempt from the low-inventory-level fee (Pan-EU) for the first year from the first date of onboarding across the EU. Learn more.
Exemption from storage usage charges
Ship eligible products to the Fulfilment by Amazon network. The exemption will expire one year from the date that you receive your first Fulfilment by Amazon inventory. Learn more.
Advertising incentives
€45 credit
Create a sponsored product ad for a qualifying product within 90 days of its listing. The credit will appear in the Amazon Ads campaign manager within two weeks of fulfilling the requirements for sponsored products. The credit will expire 30 days after it has been applied to your account. Learn more.
€45 credit
Create a coupon for an eligible product within 90 days of its listing. The credit will expire one year from the time that the first coupon is created. Learn more.
The Amazon Seller app

Manage your online business on the go

The Amazon Seller app allows you to manage business details online remotely by creating listings, tracking sales, fulfilling orders, responding to customers, and more, all from your mobile device.
Click here to download the Amazon Seller app on the Apple App Store
Click here to download the Amazon Seller app on Google Play
man on his phone using the Amazon Seller app
Don't have a large number of products to sell?
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